About the Author

Name: Konstantin Kaminskiy
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/konthecat/
GitHub, and this blog: https://github.com/KonTheCat/blog2
Email: kon@konthecat.com
Likes: cats, solving problems, tea, Dell monitors
Dislikes: meetings that could have been emails, emails that could have been not sent

Technology enthusiast & Microsoft specialist, +10 years of overall IT industry experience, started with O/M365, went into Azure, have not looked back. Currently enabling developer success with Azure and dabbling in my own development efforts.

A note about AI: at this point in the game I believe that AI-generating code is entirely fairgame. This whole blog is AI-generated code. But words are different. So all the written content you will see here will be 100% me. The most you will see is spell-checking, because yours truly never learned to spell, and at this point never will.

Feel free to explore the blog and reach out if you have any questions or suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered.

All content the writer's own, no relation to or representation of any other organizations or parties.